SMS Account

How to top up SMS

  • Click sms account
  • Click on my account
  • Click on buy sms
  • Select payment mode and fill in other necessary information
  • Click “pay now” tab just below to top up SMS

Approval Manager

How to approve a transaction

  • Click on approval manager
  • Select transaction from the transaction taps
  • Click on the “approve all” tab to approve all transaction
  • Or click on the “approve” tab by the individual transactions

Approval History

How to reverse a transaction

  • Click on approval history
  • Enter the date interval within which the transaction was made
  • Selection transaction
  • Click the reverse tab by the transaction

Calendar Event

How to add events to calendar

  • Click calendar events
  • Click add personal event
  • Fill in the necessary information
  • Click on save to add event to calendar


How to add new members

  • Click on members
  • Click on required registration
  • Click on ADD
  • Fill in the necessary information
  • Click on SAVE


How to delete or edit a member

  •  Click on members
  •  Click on required field
  • Click on EDIT or DELETE
  • For EDIT, change the necessary information and click on SAVE


How to set a login account for a member

  • Click on Members
  • Click on adults register and select member
  • Click on edit from the action tool on the left of the member’s name
  • Click on edit and locate the security tab
  • Enter member’s login password, click the check box which says “can the Member Login” and select the access level of the member.
  • Click on save to apply changes. NB. The member must have an Email address captured in on his profile


How to set permissions for a member

  • Click on Members
  • Click on adults register and select member
  • Click on action button
  • Choose permissions
  • Select permissions by clicking on the check boxes by the items
  • Click on save to apply changes.

Record Money

How to record money

  •  Click on record money
  •  Click on the required field
  •  Fill in the necessary information
  •  Click SAVE


 How to record expenses

  •  First you need to set the type of expenses by clicking on account settings
  •  Click on Expense settings
  •  Click on ADD
  •  Fill in the necessary information
  •  Click on SAVE
  •  Now Record money
  •  Click Record expenses
  •  Click on ADD
  •  Fill in the necessary information
  •  Click on SAVE

How to record pledge

  • Click on record money
  • Click on record pledge
  • Click on ADD
  • Fill in the necessary information
  • Click on SAVE

 How to record offerings

  • Click on record money
  • Click on record offerings
  • Fill in the necessary information
  • Click on SAVE


How to send bulk sms or Email

  • Click on correspondence
  • Click on the required field
  • Fill in the required information
  • Click on the “send SMS Later” button and set a delivery time if you want to send a message on a later date or time.
  • Click send to send message

Mark Attendance

How to mark attendance

  •   Click on Mark attendance
  •   Click on Attendance Cell/Group
  •   Set Date
  •   Select Group/ Cell
  •   Select Present/Absent
  •   Click on SAVE

Church Settings

How to create my church settings?

  •  Click on church settings
  •  Click on the required field
  •  Click on ADD
  •  Fill in the necessary information
  •  Click on SAVE

 How to perform new church settings?

  •   Click on church settings
  •   Click on the required field
  •   Click on ADD
  •    Fill in the necessary information
  •    Click on SAVE

How to set my accounts

  • Click on Account Settings
  • Click on the required field
  • Click on ADD
  • Fill in the necessary information
  • Click on save

Finance Settings

How to perform new financial settings

  • Click on finance settings
  • Click on the required field
  • Click on ADD
  • Fill in the necessary information
  • Click on SAVE

How to create my bank account settings

  • Click on Account settings
  • Click on Bank account
  • Click on ADD
  • Fill in the necessary information
  • Click on SAVE

General Settings

How to customize group, cell or cell name

  • Click general settings
  • Click on dictionary
  • Click on “edit” button
  • Enter new name at the “user word” column
  • Click on save to effect change

Database Settings

How to upload members into software

  • Click on Database settings
  • Click on upload member
  • Download excel template
  • Fill in membership data in accordance with the order and format of the excel template
  • Click choose from the upload members page and then choose the excel you have filled
  • Click on upload to perform the task

How to Assign Members

  • Click on Database settings
  • Click on assign members
  • Select appropriate group/ Cell
  • Click view to show group/ Cell members
  • Click on members field to show member list
  • Add members from the list to group/ Cell
  • Click on Assign members’ button to complete task

How to upload Tithe into software

  • Click on Database settings
  • Click on upload tithe
  • Download excel template
  • Fill in membership data in accordance with the order and format of the excel template
  • Click choose from the upload tithe page and then choose the excel you have filled
  • Click on upload button to perform the task


How to Query Reports

  • Click on Reports
  • Click on required report
  • Set Date range
  • Click on QUERY NOW