In order to use iChurch Solutions to help with the management of your organisation and membership, you must first agree to these Terms of Service on behalf of your organisation. By signing up your organisation to use iChurch Solutions, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service and acknowledge that any violation of the terms outlined below may result in the termination of your account.

PEV Blue Tech (Owner) is a company registered in Ghana. iChurch Solutions is a web-based member management system and database tool, developed by PEV Blue Tech, and is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis.

Although the language in these Terms of Service is simple, the intentions are serious, forming a contract considered to be a legal document under exclusive jurisdiction of English courts.

Definitions we use in this document

  • “The Service” means our iChurch Solutions software, which is accessed online through a web browser, or by using our mobile applications (Apps). Access is provided through a unique username/password/PIN.
  • “your Organisation” means your church, charity or other type of organisation that has opened a iChurch Solutions account. In the relationship between us, your Organisation should be considered the Data Controller as defined within the context of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and data protection law.
  • “us”, “we” and “our” refer to iChurch Solutions. In the relationship between us, iChurch Solutions should be considered the Data Processor as defined within the context of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and data protection law.
  • “you” means you, the person who accesses The Service on behalf of your Organisation. This may include others within your Organisation to whom you choose to grant user access to The Service.

Access to an account

In order to apply to use The Service, you must first submit your details through our Free Trial page on our website.

We may create an account for you to access The Service, however we reserve the right, at our discretion, not to accept your application.

Should we accept your application to access The Service, we will confirm this by email to the email address you provide in your application, at which point a legally binding contract will be created between us and you; you must therefore ensure that you are authorised to enter into this contract for and on behalf of your Organisation. These Terms of Service shall govern our agreement with you and your Organisation.

If at any time you need to update the Organisation account contact details you provided to us when applying to access The Service, you can do so through your iChurch Solutions account, within the Administrator section. You are required to provide a designated, named account contact. A change of account contact details does not change the contractual relationship between us and your Organisation.

By accepting your application to access The Service, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferrable, automatically renewing monthly license to use The Service for you and your Organisation. This license is in accordance with these Terms of Service and our Acceptable Use Policy.

Your obligations to us (our rights)

  • You must only access The Service by using a username/password or secure link/PIN that your Organisation authorises you to use.
  • You must not do anything which could reasonably be expected to damage, disable, overburden or materially impair The Service or our website, or which is likely to interfere with any third party’s use or enjoyment of The Service.
  • You must accept that all software available through The Service or used to create and operate The Service is property of us or our licensors. You will not question or dispute our ownership of the intellectual property of The Service.
  • Each administrator account held with The Service must only be used for the purpose of a single charity or organisation. You may, however, hold multiple accounts (one for each charity/organisation you need to administer).
  • You recognise that The Service stores and processes special category data on your behalf.
  • You accept that nothing in these Terms of Service, nor by using The Service, relieves you (the Data Controller) of your own direct responsibilities and liabilities under the GDPR.

Our obligations to you (your rights)

  • As Data Processor, we commit to only use the data you entrust to us for its intended purpose. We will never:
    • Pass your data on to third parties, except where instructed to do so by you
    • Sell your data to third parties
    • Use your data for our own purposes, except to monitor the health and security of your account
  • We will only access your data upon receipt of written or verbal instructions to do so from you, the Data Controller (unless required by law to act without such instructions). Within the administrator settings of your account, you may, at your discretion, enable or disable our access to your data at any time. (Access is helpful when resolving technical issues or answering support-related enquiries from you or your members (data subjects). If access is not enabled by you, we will only be able to provide generic support responses, and support enquiries from your members (data subjects) may be directed back to you).
  • All our employees who are responsible for processing your data are subject to a duty of confidence.
  • At all times, we will protect your data by:
    • Restricting our access to your data and ensuring that only trusted staff can access your data.
    • Taking suitable steps to ensure the technical security of your data and taking appropriate measures to ensure the security of processing.
  • We will support you with providing Subject Access Requests, and in enabling data subjects to exercise their rights under the GDPR.
  • We will only engage a sub-processor where instructed to do so by you, with your prior consent and written contract with that sub-processor, except where that sub-processor is a pre-existing requirement for the service, (for example, your data is hosted on our sub-Processor’s servers). Please see our list of third-party processors, and note that this may be subject to change at any time.
  • Through the functionality we provide within The Service and other information we may make available to you we are assisting you in meeting your GDPR obligations in relation to the security of processing and data protection impact assessments.
  • In the event that we discover a data breach, we will inform you and assist you in meeting your obligations to inform the data subjects.
  • We will delete all of the data we hold on your data subjects on termination of contract. Since we maintain encrypted backups of all data for 30 days, your data will be fully deleted 30 days after termination.
  • We will submit ourselves to audits and inspections where relevant and/or deemed necessary.

Paying for The Service

Full details of the subscription fees for the use of The Service are provided through the iChurch Solutions website. We reserve the right to vary these fees from time to time, at which time we will provide notice through the iChurch Solutions website. Prices quoted on our website are quoted in USD.

We offer all customers a “free trial” of The Service, and there will be no charge for the use of The Service during any free trial period. We may, at our discretion, extend any free trial period, or grant a further trial for a valid reason. Your Organisation is not entitled to benefit from more than one “free trial period”, and if we discover that your Organisation has requested an additional “free trial period”, they will become liable for payment of all fees and charges for use of The Service from the start of the first additional “free trial period”.

Your subscription to The Service will be renewed automatically on the 1st of each month, and your Organisation will be billed in advance on a monthly basis at the start of each calendar month. There will be no refunds for unused services or account downgrades.

Your Organisation’s subscription fee for using The Service is directly linked to the total number of contacts within your account’s Address Book module and the modules you have chosen to use (the Service’s pricing structure is published on the iChurch Solutions website). As such, the fee for using The Service may vary month to month, depending on the number of contacts within the Address Book module and whether you enable additional modules or remove modules from your account. You will be billed automatically, and will be considered fully liable for any charges calculated at the start of the month.

If you or your Organisation is based within the UK, payment for The Service will be by Direct Debit, for all other regions, payment will be by credit or debit card or mobile money. Payments will be taken for The Service on the billing date associated with your registration (each month). We are unable to accept payment for The Service by any other method.

We shall be under no obligation to provide The Service to you and your Organisation if payment of the subscription fee is not made within a timely manner. If subscription fees become overdue, we reserve the right to suspend access to The Service until the balance is paid. In the event that payment is not made in accordance with any mutually agreed period of grace, we may close your Organisation’s account with The Service permanently and all data relating to the account will be removed.

Changing your subscription

If at any time you wish to add or remove a module from your Organisation’s account, you can do so by contacting our support team. Removing a module from your Organisation’s account is subject to the same terms of notice as cancelling your subscription (described below).

Cancelling your subscription

If you wish to cancel your subscription to The Service, you must contact iChurch Solutions Support by email at least 5 clear working days before the end of the month. We will require verification of the cancellation by the designated account contact, or by another known contact within your Organisation.

If you or your Organisation fail to abide by these Terms of Service, we reserve the right to suspend access to The Service or permanently cancel the iChurch Solutions account and delete the data. If we withdraw access to The Service due to a breach of these Terms of Service, no refund will be payable by us.

Privacy, data ownership and security

By using The Service, your are accepting these Terms of Service (our written contract), and our description of the way we collect and use data within The Service as described in the iChurch Solutions Privacy Policy.

General terms

  • It is your responsibility to keep your account contact information up to date at all times.
  • You are responsible for ensuring you and your Organisation’s login information is kept secure at all times. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage incurred as a consequence of your login details being compromised.
  • We do not guarantee that The Service will meet all of your requirements, be available 100% of the time or be bug free. While we will do our best to keep disruptions to a minimum, from time to time it may be necessary to suspend The Service to carry out maintenance or support work.
  • We reserve the right to remove any information from The Service that we consider to be unlawful, offensive or that violates the intellectual property of a third party.
  • You and your Organisation may not use The Service to send unsolicited communication of any kind, including but not limited to emails and SMS.
  • We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms of Service at any time.

Limitation of liability

You use The Service entirely at your own risk. You understand and will not hold us responsible for any loss or damage incurred to you or your Organisation by using The Service. This includes, but is not limited to, loss of revenue, profits, goodwill, data, or other intangible losses.

Where we are not legally entitled to exclude our liability, our total liability for any loss or damage relating to The Service shall not exceed an amount equal to the subscription fees which your Organisation has paid to us in the previous calendar month.